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Indonesia’s singular learning lab for the music of today—and tomorrow





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Contra Bass.

Kelas Instrumen Gesek ini disediakan dengan beragam peluang kinerja dan kursus yang diajarkan oleh instruktur dan pemain yang berdedikasi. Kelas instrument gesek/dawai ini dirancang untuk mengembangkan pemain terampil yang akrab dengan solo standar, ansambel, dan orkestra untuk instrumen mereka. Siswa akan mencapai tingkat tinggi kompetensi profesional dan pendekatan gaya yang sesuai dengan literatur berbagai periode sejarah.


Farabi Music School Image Default Batasan Umur 12 th keatas
Masa Belajar Perlevel 1 th
Format belajar dikelas Private, 1 x seminggu, 4 x sebulan @ 45 menit
Waktu Belajar Rabu
Instructor Bambang Suardi


Farabi Music Education Center

Farabi Music Education Center was founded and led by prominent Indonesian pianist, composer, producer and cultural icon Dwiki Dharmawan. Farabi Music Course Performance Programs are a unique combination of contemporary music performance and rigorous education in traditional music disciplines.

For more than 25 years, the Farabi Music Education Center course has evolved to reflect the state of the art of music and the music bussines. The alumnae of Farabi has successfully continued his musical education at various music institutions abroad and has also been successful in his career throughout the music industry.

Farabi Music Education Center

Farabi Music Education Center was founded and led by prominent Indonesian pianist, composer, producer and cultural icon Dwiki Dharmawan. Farabi Music Course Performance Programs are a unique combination of contemporary music performance and rigorous education in traditional music disciplines.

For more than 25 years, the Farabi Music Education Center course has evolved to reflect the state of the art of music and the music bussines. The alumnae of Farabi has successfully continued his musical education at various music institutions abroad and has also been successful in his career throughout the music industry.